This Resources section is organized by toolkit. Find your toolkit and look for the resources by tool number. You can find each toolkit’s resources on the individual page for the associated tool, but we’ve assembled all of the resources here, in one place, so that you can explore them as you like. In addition, you’ll find some general resources, case studies, and a glossary of terms.
General Resources
The Texas Office of the Governor provides annual detailed data about the travel impact data, including lodging (which impacts HOT) .
What is HOT: County
HOT Toolkit: Arts
Arts Tool #1 - Does your municipality distribute HOT for the arts?
Arts Tool # 4 - Applying for funding
Arts Tool # 7 - Finding hotel partners
Arts Tool # 8 - Collecting data
A self-conducted economic impact analysis of your organization (or a group of organizations)
Arts Tool # 9 - Strategic Planning
Courtesy of Creative City Network of Canada
Arts Tool # 10 - Protecting (and growing) HOT
Economic data impact and analysis:
A self-conducted economic impact analysis of your organization (or a group of organizations)
HOT Toolkit: Municipalities
Municipalities Tool # 2 – Collecting and reporting HOT funds
Municipalities Tool # 3 – Administering HOT funds
Examples of funding application processes and procedures:
HOT Toolkit: Hotels
Hotel Toolkit # 1 – Finding arts partners
Case Studies
From nigh-demolition to Storybook Capital of America, the arts, with support of municipal HOT, has transformed Abilene into an international destination for the arts and children’s illustrated literature.
Thanks to the Municipal Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT), Bee Cave is transforming into a city that values and promotes the arts and culture. Here’s a real success story about how arts, municipal, hotel and tourism leaders working together established the first HOT-for-the-arts program with the Bee Cave Arts Foundation as the delegated authority. “It really feels wonderful to have money to support artists and do something great for your community at the same time.”
Learn how two communities came together to support – through HOT for the arts – a true flagship institution, the Brazosport Center for the Arts & Science, whose geographic placement literally straddles the two city’s property lines. Explore this unique and prosperous collaboration and partnership.
The Conroe Art League’s modest start hosting a visual arts competition was transformed into a robust and still growing “Madeley National” arts festival now aligned with the Young Texas Artists Classical Music Competition and the Greater Conroe Arts Alliance’ Arts Week in downtown Conroe through the investment in HOT funding for the arts. Read the Case Study here.
The numbers show how seed support from HOT for the arts have had a critical impact on the successful growth and stabilization of the nonprofit arts sector on the island. And, as Galveston looks to brand itself through its unique history, culture and environment, HOT for the arts has been a foundational investment. Read the Case Study here.
Originally initiated by Georgetown’s award winning public library, an annual public sculpture festival sparked the redevelopment of a fire station into a dynamic arts center, and now utilizing HOT for the arts, the establishment of an Arts & Culture Board, and a full time Arts & Culture Manager to oversee expanded programming and marketing and communications strategies. Together these creative elements have put Georgetown on the map. Read the Case Study here
In 2014, Odessa Arts commissioned a public art master plan for the City of Odessa. As part of the planning process, community input meetings were held across the city. In every single meetings someone would raise their hand and say, ‘Would you please do something with the Cloth World sign? It’s a community landmark and it’s just sitting there, rusting.”
Glossary of Terms
Hotel: a building in which members of the public obtain sleeping accommodations for consideration. The term includes a hotel, motel, tourist home, tourist court, lodging house, inn, rooming house, or bed and breakfast. In addition, “hotel” includes a short-term rental. “Short-term rental” means the rental of all or part of a residential property to a person who is not a permanent resident.
Municipality: any incorporated city, town, or village.
Tourism: the guidance or management of tourists.
Tourist: an individual who travels from the individual's residence to a different municipality, county, state, or country for pleasure, recreation, education, or culture.
Not finding a particular resource you were looking for? For additional guidance and insights, contact Texans for the Arts Foundation.